Accidentally biting the inside of your cheek while eating brings with it an intense flash of pain, and it also brings the possibility of interior nerve damage. It is important that all adults know what to do in the event of an interior cheek bite, because if it happens to you or your children, you may need to pay a visit to an emergency dentist. Here are two signs that that bite needs attention from an expert.

The Wound Won't Stop Bleeding

Blood-carrying veins are located within your cheek, so if the accident causes the skin to be pierced, then there's going to be blood. Often, you can stem the flow of blood by having the patient place a clean piece of fabric firmly against the wound. You can use a piece of gauze, a hand towel or even a facecloth. Apply pressure to the wound for 15 minutes before lifting the cloth to check if the bleeding has slowed. If it has not slowed after this time, apply a clean piece of cloth, and head over to your emergency dentist for closer inspection.

The Cheek Swells

If there is instant swelling around the wound area, make a cold compress which can be held against the outside of the cheek. The cold compress is made by wrapping ice cubes, or a bag of frozen vegetables, with a tea towel or other clean cloth. The compress is then held on the outside of the face level to where the wound is located inside the cheek. Never put ice cubes or frozen vegetables directly onto the skin because you can damage it permanently. Hold the cold compress in place for 10 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, and then repeat for one hour. If the swelling has increased after one hour of this process, then you need to take the patient to an emergency dentist for a closer look.

Finally, if you see signs of infection in the following days after the bite occurs, then make an appointment to see your normal dentist. Interior cheek wounds can easily get food scraps and other debris trapped in them. Antibiotics will be needed to treat the infection, and your dentist can prescribe them after closely examining the wound for damage. If, at the time of the biting incident, you have any concerns, call your emergency dentist to ask for further advice on how best to proceed. It is better to be over-cautious than have an issue which brings lasting damage.
