Most people have an inherent fear of dental appointments. Thus, it is unsurprising that a good number of people will overlook some symptoms of oral problems with the hope that the issue will go away on its own. But more often than not, dental problems that remain unaddressed only become aggravated with time. This exacerbation is especially true with root canals. Once tooth decay has become so severe that a cavity cleaning cannot suffice, it is critical to have your dentist remedy the problem, or you stand the risk of losing the tooth altogether. Read on to learn some of the signs that should never be ignored, as they could be indicative of the need for root canal therapy

Pain that is not subsiding

When you start to notice that you are chewing more using one side of your mouth than you do with the other, it is likely the onset of damage to your tooth pulp. In the beginning stages of infection, it becomes difficult to put any pressure on the affected tooth, as this will result in searing pain. Therefore, you begin to stop yourself subconsciously from biting down on that infected tooth. Another type of pain that implies you will be in need of endodontic therapy is when the pain started to radiate from your tooth to other parts of your head. For example, the pain may begin to manifest in your jawline and progressively affect your neck and head. It is critical to see your dentist when this starts to happen as it could mean that the infection is spreading.

Enhanced sensitivity in your teeth

Tooth sensitivity is a common ailment people suffer from so it is usually overlooked as a glaring sign of impending dental problems. However, tooth sensitivity is only normal when it occasionally occurs and in situational circumstances such as when ingesting extremely hot or cold food. When the tooth sensitivity steadily becomes a part of your daily life, it should be a red flag of something bigger underneath. Prolonged sensitivity typically is indicative of an undetected infection, and it will only go away once the cause is determined and remedied.

Pus bubbles on your gum line

Any time you notice your gums are affected by pus bubbles, you should be wary of infection. Pus develops when your body is fighting off a bacterial infection. Thus, when your pulp is infected, and you delay getting a root canal, painful bumps filled with pus start to form close to the affected tooth. Make the earliest possible appointment with your dentist to stop this infection in its tracks.
