Watching your diet in the wake of dental surgery will lead to a much smoother and less painful recovery. While you'll have limitations, the following three meals are tasty, nutritious and simple to make.
Apple Sauce
Pureed apple sauce contains a lot of vitamin C and fibre, making it the perfect nutrient-rich snack. As it's liquidised, it requires very little jaw movement to consume. Most store-bought apple sauces are high in sugar, so if you're feeling health conscious, make your own.
Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them into quarters.
Place them into a saucepan on a high heat with a drizzle of lemon juice. The apples should start to liquidise.
Once boiling, reduce to a low heat and let the apples simmer for 30 minutes, stirring frequently.
Let the apple sauce cool down, and then add a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Mashed Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes have almost twice as much fibre as ordinary potatoes, large quantities of vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E. This recipe contains a banana, which not only complements the flavour but adds potassium to the mix and allows you to squeeze in one of your five-a-day.
Peel and dice three sweet potatoes and place them into a saucepan. Cover with water and place over a medium heat until soft.
Add a tablespoon of butter and a chopped banana with a drizzle of lemon. Let it all cook for five minutes.
Strain the mixture in a colander and mash it until combined. Season to taste and serve.
Broth-Based Soups
Broth-based soups are thinner and easier to consume than chunky soups when you've had dental surgery. They can also provide plenty of nutrients from vegetables, making them a viable alternative to the sugary-based foods often recommended after surgery like ice cream and jelly.
Peel and dice your chosen vegetables.
Cover with stock and place over the stove on a high heat until all of the vegetables are soft.
Use an immersion blender to completely liquidise the soup.
Wait until the soup has cooled down, and serve.
Unfortunately, your diet will inevitably be restricted after you've had dental surgery. Don't eat grains, rice, seeds or anything that could get stuck in the surgical site. Do not use straws or eat foods that require sucking, otherwise you could remove the blood clot and slow down healing. And wait until you've recovered before eating crunchy or chewy foods that could cause pain.