It's easy for parents to think that because their child's baby teeth are going to eventually fall out that they don't need to see a dentist until after this happens. They may also assume that a child's new teeth are so healthy that they aren't likely to need dental work until they get much older.

In truth, it's good to take your child to a dentist regularly once their teeth start to come in, and then especially right after they get their adult teeth. There are many reasons why a dentist should examine your child's mouth and even their baby teeth; note a few of those reasons here.

1. Cavities may be developing even in baby teeth

If a dentist finds that your child's baby teeth are developing cavities, he or she may want to fill them to prevent your child from experiencing pain when eating and drinking, as cavities can mean that the sensitive tissue and nerves under tooth enamel are exposed. However, a dentist will also be able to evaluate if these cavities are due to poor dental hygiene. Teaching your children good oral care is important even when they only have baby teeth, so they develop healthy habits that will protect their adult teeth.

Cavities can also start to develop in adult teeth very early on. It's a mistake to assume that preteens don't get cavities or need fillings, and having this done as soon as a cavity forms can protect the teeth as a child gets older as the cavity then won't get deeper or larger.

2. Protective resin can be applied

To keep cavities from forming, a protective resin can be applied to a child's teeth. This resin helps to stop acid erosion, which is very common in children who drink soda and juice. The resin also keeps bacteria and other germs from settling into small grooves and cracks in teeth, and in turn, stop ensuing cavities and erosion.

3. An orthodontic evaluation can be performed

When a child is a preteen, he or she can have an orthodontic evaluation to determine if the teeth are likely to come in crooked. Orthodontics means actually modifying the bones of the jaw, not just pushing teeth into place. An orthodontist can note if the bones are growing in such a way that may cause teeth to become crooked and then this can be addressed as they grow rather than waiting for the teeth and jaw to become set permanently.

For more information, contact a specialist like The Caring Dental Team.
